Mountain Caribou

While Dall sheep is the primary goal of most hunters who travel to the remote Mackenzies, Mountain Caribou is usually next on the list of trophy choices. The Mountain Caribou belongs to the sub-species of the Woodland Caribou and is classified as such in the NWT Hunting Regulations.
There is an estimated population of 13,000 to 18,000 caribou from at least three different herds in the Mackenzie Mountains. Non-resident hunters take approximately 170 bulls annually and the hunts last between 1 - 4 days. Many Mountain Caribou from the Mackenzie Mountains score in the record book class and a lot have been entered. Hunting for caribou in the Mackenzie Mountains is an amazing and satisfying experience.
Mountain caribou use different elevations throughout the year and carry out a distinct migration between late summer and late spring. During migration, they can number into the thousands. The rut takes place during this migration, from late September to early October, when bulls will form harems of 12 - 15 animals. Hunting Season for non-resident hunters runs from July 25 - October 31st.